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Article Authors



The following is a list of the authors of the Nishma articles found on this web site. If you would like to read an article written by a specific author, we invite you to use the "Search Articles" feature, using the author's last name.

Rabbi Moshe Averick

Rabbi Moshe Averick grew up in Chicago, learned at Yeshivas Brisk in Chicago, and at Gush Etzion in Israel. He received semichah from Aish Hatorah in 1980 and helped found Aish in Toronto. He taught in the American program at Shalavim for 12 years.

Rabbi David Debow

Rabbi Debow is an educator at the Mitzrachi Fuchs School in Cleveland, Ohio.

Rabbi Yaakov Feldman

Rabbi Feldman's translations of and comments to Mesilat Yesharim (The Path of the Just) and Chovot HaLevavot (The Duties of the Heart) were originally published by Jason Aronson Press, which now distributes his translation of and comments to "Sha'arei Teshuva (The Gates of Repentance). His translation of and comments to Maimonides' Shemona Perakim (Eight Chapters") will soon be published by Judaica Press, which will also reissue his works on Mesilat Yesharim and Chovot HaLevavot shortly. Rabbi Feldman also conducts two very popular e-mail classes for Project Genesis -- www.Torah.org -- entitled "Ramchal" and "Spiritual Excellence".

Rosemary Frei

Ms. Frei is a Toronto freelance writer/broadcaster. She chaired the joint Nishma - Jews for Judaism committee that brought noted Noachide J. David Davis to Toronto.

Rabbi Benjamin Hecht

See bio

Chai Hecht

Chai Hecht is a graduate of Yeshiva University.

Dodi-Lee Hecht

Dodi-Lee Hecht is a graduate of Columbia Law School. She has served as
the editor of Nishma Junior, has been involved in various capacities in Nishma over the years and has authored various Nishma Insights.

Naomi Hecht

Mrs. Hecht is the Co-Founder of Nishma and serves as editor for its publications.

Tikva Hecht
Tikva Hecht is a graduate of Yeshiva University's Stern College.

Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky

Rabbi Karlinsky co-founded Yeshivat Darche Noam in 1978 (which merged with the Shapell College of Jewish Studies in Jan. 1980) and presently serves as Dean of Darche Noam Institutions, Yeshivat Darche Noam/Shapell's and Midreshet Rachel for Women. Rabbi Karlinsky also gives a variety of Internet "On-line" Shiurim at different sites on the web including www.Torah.org, www.613.org and, of course, Darche Noam's web site at www.darchenoam.org.

Rabbi Dr. Marty Lockshin

Rabbi Dr. Lockshin received his rabbinical ordination at Yeshivat Mercaz Harav Kook, and earned his Ph.D. from Brandeis University. He is the Director of the Centre for Jewish Studies at York University where he has taught for the past 24 years. With expertise in the history of Jewish Bible commentaries, and the intellectual interactions between Jews and Christians, Lockshin has published three books and many academic articles.

Howard Pasternack

Mr. Pasternack is a professional engineer working in Toronto, was on the Nishma board of directors for a number of years and is the webmaster of this site.

Avrum Rosensweig

Mr. Rosensweig is the Executive Vice-president of Ve'Ahavta, the Canadian Jewish Humanitarian Organization and is a columnist for the Canadian Jewish News.

Rabbi Michael Skobac

Rabbi Michael Skobac, Senior Counselor and Director of Education of Jews for Judaism in Toronto, has lectured extensively on missionary and cults as well as on issues of Jewish continuity and spirituality across the world. He has acted as a consultant to communities world-wide in developing responses to missionary and cult activity. Rabbi Skobac has written extensively for Jewish publications and has been featured internationally as a guest on numerous radio and television programs to discuss his work.

Rabbi David Willig

Rabbi Willig is on staff at Touro College. An attorney, in addition to being a Rabbi, he tries to make the Torah relevant to thinking adults, especially those whose last exposure to Judaism was pre-Bar Mitzvah Bible stories.

Dr. Shoshana Zolty

Dr. Zolty is the author of "And All Your Children Shall Be Learned": Women and the Study of Torah in Jewish Law and History (Jason Aronson Publishers) and a noted teacher of adult education courses in Toronto.


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